What we are up to

MEETINGS: 1st Wednesday of the month  7-9pm at St James’s Church Hall, Church St, Sutton.

Book Club:

Meets every 2nd Thursday of the month, 7pm to 9pm in the Duke of York pub, 70 Church Street, Sutton HU7 4TD

The club aims to bring members together to explore new authors and genres of books – each member suggests a book of their choice over the year for discussion and review – could be a thriller or a dud – you won’t know until you read!

Craft Club:

Meets weekly on Tuesdays, 1.30pm to 3.30pm in Sutton Leisure and Sports, 17 Church Street, Sutton HU7 6TL

Bring your crafts, knitting, crocheting or sewing.  Members regularly get creative to support local charities and WI campaigns – what you don’t know, someone will be able to help you!  Gives the opportunity for your talent to shine and enter competitions and crafting initiatives.

Walking Group:

Meets monthly on different days.  Walks of about 3-4 miles around the local area, usually just outside of Hull. Walks conclude with refreshment or lunch at a pub or café to reward our effort - good fun!  Suits all levels of fitness.

Green Fingers Garden Group:

Meets monthly on different days at member’s gardens.  Swop cuttings, advice, problem solve & chat.  Plant envy is alleviated by sharing tea and cake!  Occasional trips to garden centres & Open Gardens Schemes also. An interest or liking of plants is all you need!

Some of our members visiting Yorkshire Lavender during summer 2024

E.Y. Federation Office – Tues/Wed 10am-3pm.  Tel: 01482 860626.  Facebook: EYFWI.  Twitter: @eyfwi2015.