Welcome to South Cave WI's web page. If you are already a member we hope you find the information you need easily.
If you are new to the area and want to get to know people, you are in the right place. Non-members who want to come to listen to one of our speakers are always welcome, as are people who want to come to a couple of meetings before deciding if the WI is for them. We hope we will be able to inspire you to come and join us.
The South Cave branch of the WI started in November 1929 with 59 members. The owners of the castle gave us some land, so we bought an ex-army hut and by the following summer we were up and running in the hut that we still use. We have improved it over the years of course.
It is easy to miss the hall as you walk along Church St, because it is hidden behind part of the old castle walls, which is why we've added a link so you can check us out on Google maps. https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?gmp=msp&mid=zE7Vbx1DrUjU.ksLgCl-WSVgA
We meet at 7.30pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month (except January and August).
For those interested in any form of craft work we have a Crafty Ladies group which meets at the hall from 2-4pm, also on the 2nd Thursday of each month (except January and August). You don't have to be a WI member to join in. There is a £1 fee towards refreshments and heating.
2015 was a special year for us, September 2015 marked 100 years since the first WI was founded. The WI Centenary Baton travelled around all the WI areas prior to the Centenary AGM in London in June. It collected photos of all the different areas and celebrations.
We own the Hall so we have to organise several fund raising events each year to boost the income derived from rentals.
We hold Quizzes in the Spring and Autumn, which are always popular, with many returning teams.
We have a Tombola Stall mainly geared towards children, at the Christmas Lights Switch On in November at Cave Castle.
We run a Tombola and cake stall at Glastonbully, the major fund raising event to support the sporting activities in the village
We also offer a Coach Tea service and are pleased to welcome new comers and returning parties. As these are often walking groups copious amounts of tea are consumed!