Our Programme


April  3rd                     Colour Me  Beautiful      -   Christine Jones

May  15th                    Guess Who's Coming  To Tea     -   Alison Eason

June 15th                    Annual Outing -  Visiting Saltaire and Salts Mill

July  10th                     A Night Shift in York Minster     -   Roy Pawsey

August 14th                 Social Event      -   Fun and games !

September 11th           A.G.M.

October 9th                 Yorkshire Dialect     -   Rod Dimbleby

November 13th           A Christmas Craft for all - organised by the Craft Group

December 11th           Red Sky Ukulele Band  -  Singalong and  Mince Pies


January 8th                Tai Chi     -   Howard Gibson

February 12th             Mercy Ships     -   Peter Montgomery

March 11th                 Textile Art     -   Holly Davis